Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm sure some who'll read this will write me off as a nut job, but having been given reasonable mental ability and a fascination with the behavior of human beings, I can only express sadness for the actions of many of our politicians (not leaders) of late.  The great men who founded this country would be shocked to see our government forcing anything on Americans, a majority of whom do not favor it.  The health care debacle will haunt us the rest of our lives and will negatively impact an already sad state of affairs for job seekers.

I so hope the coming years will prove me wrong.  This isn't 1964 with a large group of Americans being savagely discriminated against--many thought wrongly regarding discrimination and desegregation in those days.  This is 2010 with a mixed-race man in the White House who won't release his full birth certificate information, and who seems bent on taking America down a road to be just like "the rest of the world."  Folks, I don't know about you, but I don't want to be like the rest of the world--otherwise, I'd move there.  We have the highest standard of living in this country in the world, and if you've traveled anywhere outside the US, you know just how true this is.

That's why people come here anyway they can from everywhere, seeking the opportunities (not guarantees) that this country offers.  What I think is ironic is that some want to give it all away, not realizing that in doing so, they will make this country less desirable to live in, and in the process, take money away from people who are working hard and give it to someone else.  I think most Americans are very compassionate people, giving more money away than anyone else, trying to help other countries and other people.  Sure, we're not perfect, and even a cursory walk through US history would turn up big mistakes, but I believe that the collective desire of Americans is to do good and help other people, or so I was raised to believe.

Why is it that at this time, politicians force something on people that is clearly not supported by the majority?  Didn't Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence and address similar abuses that the colonists had to endure from England?  I don't begrudge helping to take care of people who can't help themselves, and I know that there are some who can't.  But I also know that there are some who can and choose not to.  By adopting the socialist model for healthcare, there will be no incentive for those people to work, since the government will meet their healthcare needs on top of their food, housing, etc. needs.   The poorest person in this country is richer than most of the rest of the world.  Healthcare is available and affordable, though we all like to whine about its cost.  For most Americans, we'd just have to play less and waste less money in order to pay for healthcare---if we were more responsible adults.

I know it sounds like I'm on a rant, but I just hate that I have to continue to work hard to provide for my family, and now a government already too big is telling me that I have to buy something whether I like it or not and help to pay for it for others who don't necessarily deserve it.   In addition, the economic impact on the country of adopting this plan will seriously impact the country.   People, we are seriously in debt, and we have politicians who insist that they way to get out of indebtedness is to spend more money!  This healthcare bill has the potential to send us into bankruptcy, and I'm still scratching my head when I hear people talking about what good managers the government will be--the same folks who bring you the IRS, Social Security, Medicare, the VA, etc.  Yep, quality management there.

I know liberals don't worry about things like the economy and personal responsibility for your station in life, that those who are concerned about such things are evil, capitalist robber-baron types, but most liberals don't mind the amenities (standard of living, freedom, etc.) that this country affords them.  Some decry capitalism as evil, but it is the nature of man that is evil and separated from God.  THAT is what produces abuses  in all forms of human government.  Say whatever you like, but we are losing our country in much the same way the Romans lost Rome (see http://www.thefreemanonline.org/featured/the-fall-of-rome-and-modern-parallels/) ---their worst enemy was their laziness and gluttony.  Government handouts/entitlements and suit-happy citizens and their shyster lawyers looking for quick wealth are easy illustrations of the laziness, envy, gluttony, and sad state of America.

Our country was founded by men who were sick and tired of having to endure unfair laws and rules imposed on them from afar, and I think that same mood exists in most Americans today....or, perhaps I'm wrong.  Perhaps most Americans would prefer to sit on their collective backsides, party, eat, play, and collect "free" money.   That is not what I signed on for in life, and as a Christian, that is not what I am called to.  I usually don't discuss this kind of thing, but it's just that watching this country implode like this is painful and sad.


  1. It is indeed sad watching this country literally go to hell. My biggest concern is for the welfare of my children. I don't think God has given up on this country just yet though. However, we are trying his patience.

  2. I was in a good mood until I read your post. Now, I'm really bummed out.
